RR converts to a floating-point number to avoid Sage taking too much time with exact values.
Here is a plot of our approximation (blue) along with the actual solution (red).
Interactive Euler Method Code
The exact solution is y= e^(1/2*x^2)
eulers_method implements Euler’s method for finding a numerical solution of the first-order ODE y′=f(x,y). The x column of the table increments from x0 to x1 by h (so (x1−x0)/h must be an integer). In the y column, the new y-value equals the old y-value plus the corresponding entry in the last column. Euler's method is used primarily for pedagogical purposes. The following Sage commands use Euler's method to generate a solution for y' = 5xy -5, y(0) =1
Numerical methods, see