Glossary - F

All terms beginning with the letter 'F' are shown below:

A translate of a subspace of Rn . floating point arithmetic: Arithmetic with numbers represented as decimals ˙ :d1 ! ! ! dp # 10r , where r is an integer and the number p of digits to the right of the decimal point is usually between 8 and 16. flop: One arithmetic operation .C; "; %; =/ on two real floating point numbers. forward phase (of row reduction): The first part of the algorithm that reduces a matrix to echelon form. Fourier approximation (of order n): The closest point in the subspace of nth-order trigonometric polynomials to a given function in C Œ0; 2$!. Fourier coefficients: The weights used to make a trigonometric polynomial as a Fourier approximation to a function. the free variables (the parameters), if any. After Section 1.5, the parametric description is written in vector form.
Forward phase, row reduction algorithm:
Fourier approximation:


Fourier coefficient:


Fourier series:


Free variable:


Fundamental matrix:



An equation that expresses A as a product of two or more matrices.

Fundamental set of solutions:


Fundamental subspace:


Final demand vector:

final demand vector (or bill of final demands): The vector d in the Leontief input–output model that lists the dollar values of the goods and services demanded from the various sectors by the nonproductive part of the economy. The vector d can represent consumer demand, government consumption, surplus production, exports, or other external demand.

Finite-dimensional (vector space):

Finite-dimensional (vector space): A vector space that is spanned by a finite set of vectors.


Flat in ℝn

Flexibility matrix:

Flexibility matrix: A matrix whose j th column gives the deflections of an elastic beam at specified points when a unit force is applied at the j th point on the beam.

Floating point arithmetic: