Glossary - G

All terms beginning with the letter 'G' are shown below:

Tangent vector: ???
Givens rotation: Givens rotation: A linear transformation from ℝn to ℝn used in computer programs to create zero entries in a vector (usually a column of a matrix).
Gradient: the gradient of a scalar function f(x) \[ \nabla f = {\bf i}\,\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} + {\bf j}\,\frac{\partial f}{\partial y} + {\bf k}\,\frac{\partial f}{\partial z} \] is a vector field where each vector points ‘uphill’ in the direction of fastest increase of the function.
Gram matrix: Gram matrix of A
Gram--Schmidt process: An algorithm for producing an orthogonal or orthonormal basis for a subspace that is spanned by a given set of vectors.