MATLAB TUTORIAL for the First Course. Part 7: Boundary Value Problems

Prof. Vladimir A. Dobrushkin

This tutorial contains many matlab scripts.
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Email Vladimir Dobrushkin

Laplace Transform

Heaviside Function

The best way to plot direction fileds is to use existing m-files, credited to John Polking from Rice University ( He is the author of two special MATLAB routines: dfield8 plots direction fields for single, first order ordinary differential equations, and allows the user to plot solution curves; pplane8 plots vector fields for planar autonomous systems. It allows the user to plot solution curves in the phase plane, and it also enables a variety of time plots of the solution. It will also find equilibrium points and plot separatrices. The latest versions of dfield8 and pplane8 m-functions are not compatible with the latest Matlab version (R2015b). You can grab its modification that works from dfield.m


Laplace Tarnsform of Discontinuous Functions

Enter text here

Inverse Laplace Transform
Partial Fraction Decomposition
Convolution Theorem
Homogeneous Differential equations
Nonhomogeneous Differential equations