R TUTORIAL, Part I: Calculations

R is a statistical analyzation language, and that means it is very good at data manipulation and data analyzation. One key way to analyze data is through plotting, and R excels in this field.

\[ y' = f(x,y), \qquad y(x_0 ) = y_0 . \]


Assigning numerical values to variables can be done as follows

From within a function, access the value of variable y in the base environment (i.e., the command prompt environment)

From within a function, assign a value to variable a in the base environment (i.e., the command prompt environment)
From within a function, access the value of variable a in the base environment (i.e., the command prompt environment)
Short list of defined variables can be obtained with the linux command:
Long list of defined variables
See detailed info about the variable ab
See detailed info about all variables with “ab” in their name
Open graphical data editor, to edit the value of variable A (useful for editing values in a matrix, though it works for non-matrix variables as well)


Controlling formating of output is accomplished with
tells R you’d like to use 6 digits of precision in values it displays (it is only a suggestion, not strictly followed).

Machine epsilon, i.e. difference between 1 and the next largest double-precision floating-point number


Define function f(x), then do uniroot(f, c(a,b)) to find a root between a and b, assuming the sign of f(x) differs at x = a and x = b. Default forward error tolerance (i.e. error in x) is fourth root of machine epsilon, (ǫ mach ) 0.25 . To specify e.g. a tolerance of 2 −52 , do uniroot(f, c(a,b), tol=2^-52).

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    2    3
[2,]    4    5    6
[3,]    7    8    9


  1. Schiesser, W.E., An Introductory Comparison of Matlab and R, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA.
  2. Soetaert, K, Cash, J., Mazzia, F., Solving Differential Equations in R, 2012, Springer, Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London