The most basic plots are line plots. Assuming you have installed Plots.jl via Pkg.add("Plots"), you can plot a line by calling plot on two vectors of numbers. For example:
Additionally, we can add more lines by mutating the plot object. This is done by the plot! command. Let's add another line to our current plot:
To add further description to our visualized data, we can add "attributes" by using some of the following parameters to our plot() command.
For a more extensive list of different attributes available in the Julia Language click here
Using the SymPy
package allows Julia, which typically only serves for numerical computation, can serve as a Computer Algerbra System.
The SymPy package can perform simple calculus derivatives, integrals, limits and series expansions
using SymPy
@vars x y z
diff(cos(x) + sin(y) + exp(-x) * cos(y), x)
Plotting a symbolic expression is done by coercing the expression into a function. For simple plots, this happens behind the scenes:
using CalculusWithJulia
@vars x
f(x) = sin(x)
plot(f(x), -pi/2, pi/2)