In order to introduce polar coordinates,
start with a point O in the plane ℝ² called the pole (we will always identify this point with the origin). From the pole, draw a ray, called the initial ray (we will always draw this ray horizontally, identifying it with the positive abscissa). A point P in the plane is determined by the distance r that P is from O, and the angle θ formed between the initial ray and the segment \( \displaystyle \quad \overline{OP} \quad \)
(measured counter-clockwise).
We record the distance and angle as an ordered pair (r, θ), which is known as polar notation. This representation is illustrated in the following figure:
Note that angle θ is measures in radians (no unit in SI); it is considered positive when θ goes in counterclockwise direction with respect to fixed horizontal axis, called abscissa (usually marked as x-axis). In opposite of θ, variable r is measured in meters (in SI system) and it is restricted to 0 < r < ∞; the point r = 0 corresponds the origin.
In order to preseve a unique representation of a point on the plane in polar coordinates as ordered pair (r, θ), the corresponding angle θ is taken within the interval of length 2π (is angle is measured in radians) or 360 (if angle θ is measured in degrees). We assume that θ ∈ (−π, π] because we use radians; however, some authors prefer to use semi-open interval [0, 2π) or [0, 360°) in case of degrees. So the angle θ is defined according to the formula:
\theta = \begin{cases}
\mbox{arccos} \left( \frac{x}{r} \right) , & \quad \mbox{if}\ y \ge 0 \mbox{ and } r \ne 0,
- \mbox{arccos} \left( \frac{x}{r} \right) , & \quad \mbox{if}\ y < 0,
\mbox{undefined} , & \quad \mbox{if}\ r = 0.
We summarize possible outputs in the following table.
1st (x > 0, y > 0)
0 < θ < π/2
θ = α
2nd (x < 0, y > 0)
π/2 < θ < π
θ = π − α
3rd (x < 0, y < 0)
−π < θ < −π/2
θ = −π + α
4th (x > 0, y < 0)
−π/2 < θ < 0
θ = −α
Defining a new coordinate system allows us to create a new kind of function, a polar function. Rectangular coordinates lent themselves well to creating functions that related x and y, such as y = sinx. Polar coordinates allow us to create functions that relate r and θ. Normally these functions look like r = f(θ), although we can create functions of the form θ = g(r).
A polar curve can be parametrized by θ or by any parameter. The arc length of a polar curve given by r = r(θ) is
Here we represent \( \displaystyle \quad \hat{\bf r} \ \) as a column vector. Its derivative with respect to t (parameter)) is expressed through two orthogonal vectors
The basic rectangular equations of the form x = h and y = k create vertical and horizontal lines, respectively; the basic polar equations r = h and θ = α create circles and lines through the pole, respectively. A typical example of this form is a wedge:
The boundary ∂Wedge of our domain consists of two lines, OA and BO, and a part of circle r = 𝑎 (θ₁ ≤ θ ≤ θ₂). We want to integrate an arbitrary vector field
where dA = drrdθ is the element of area in polar coordinates. Now we integrate over the arc of circle AB; note that dr = 0 on this piece because variable r is constant. So
{{fr -> -((-c fx - fy s)/(c^2 + s^2)),
ft -> -((-c fy + fx s)/(c^2 + s^2))}}
Before formulating Green's theorem, we remind some definitions. A rectifiable curve is a curve having finite length. If curve does not cross itself, it is called a simple curve.
Theorem 1 (Green’s Theorem in polar coordinates):
Let R be an open, simply connected region
with a boundary curve C = ∂R that is a piecewise smooth, simple closed curve
oriented counterclockwise. Let 𝐅 = ⟨𝑃, 𝑄⟩ be a vector field
with component functions
that have continuous partial derivatives on the closer of R. If the origin belongs to the boundary ∂R of domain R and components of the vector field F satisfy the corner condition
Example 1:
We consider the vector field
\mathbf{F} = \frac{1}{x^2 + y^2}\, \left( 1, x \right)
that does not satisfy the cortner condition. We integrate it along a unit circle centered at the origin. Its circulation is finite because the field F is finite on the unit circle. So
\oint_C \mathbf{F} \bullet {\text d}\mathbf{r} ,
which we evaluate using parametrization by polar coordinates.
\oint_C \mathbf{F} \bullet {\text d}\mathbf{r} = \int_0^{2\pi} \frac{\cos\theta}{1^2}\,{\text d}\theta = 0 .
Integrate[Cos[t], {t, 0, 2*Pi}]
However, the double integral
\iint_{r \le 1} \mbox{curl}\left( \mathbf{F} \right) {\text d}A
does not exist.
Two rectangular matrices of the same dimensions are said to be row equivalent, denoted
by the symbol \( \displaystyle \underset{R}{\sim} \) placed between the two
matrices, if there exists a sequence of elementary row operations that transfers one matrix into another one.
Coolidge, J.L., The Origin of Polar Coordinates, American Mathematical Monthly. 1952, volume 59, issue 2, pp. 78–85. doi:10.2307/2307104.
Fleming, W., Functions of Several Variables, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Second edition, Springer-Verlag, New York–Heidelberg, 1977.
Hubbard, J.H. and Hubbard, B.B.,
Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach, Matrix Editions; 5th edition, 2015; ISBN-13: 978-0971576681