This section reminds the reader basic facts about convergence of sequences and series. These two concepts are actually equivalent because every series is uniquely related to a sequence of partial sums and vice versa, every sequence of numbers or functions can represent partial sums of some series. Recall that a sequence is a function of a discrete variable, of which we prefer to use the set of all nonnegative integers ℕ = {0,1,2,…}. In our applications, entries of a series or a sequence are either number (real ℝ or complex ℂ) or real-valued functions; however we will also use complex-valued functions. It is a custom to denote the elements of a series or sequence with subscripts such as cn rather than c(n). (a*b)/c+13*d \[ {\frac {ab}{c}}+13\,d \]
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- Madigan, C., Series Solutions to Differential Equations, Nova Scotia Agricultural College.