The main advantage of the Laplace transform method compared to other methods is its simplicity of handling constant coefficient differential equations with intermittent input functions. This section demonstrates application of the Laplace transform to such differential equations.

ODEs with discontinuous input

We demonstrate advantages of the Laplace transform in solving differential equations with discontinuous inputs. Although the variation of parameters method still works in this case, its practical implementation becomes cumbersome. In contrast, you will see that the Laplace transform handles intermittent input functions almost naturally. A user is recommended to go through examples.


Intermittent Functions

In electrical and mechanical applications, it is common to consider systems that are subject to discontinuous or piecewise continuous forcing functions. For instance, a circuit might be subjected to an applied DC voltage that is held constant at 12 volts for some time and then shut off (i.e., reduced to zero for all subsequent time). Or, one might come home and start using a vacuum cleaner that consumes an alternating voltage source for a certain period of time and then shuts it off, or starts using another electrical device like a coffee maker. Almost all engineering problems lead to piecewise continuous forcing functions, as ON/OFF or stop/start is a major design consideration. Music synthesizers and modeling violins and pianos are clear examples of this stop, start, and change nature in manipulating sound waves.

Abruptly changing input functions are simply seen everywhere in our world. The vast field of impact theory has applications including the optimization of processing materials, impact testing, and visualizing the dynamics of granular media. Impact theory has vast applications in the automotive, military, and medical industries, including studies of the biomechanics of the human body, particularly the hip and knee joints. Other medical applications include studies of neural oscillations (brainwaves) in the spatial distribution and cellular-synaptic generation of hippocampal sharp waves. In traditional aerodynamics, the propagation of shock waves in any media is invariably associated with instantaneous increases in pressure and temperature behind the shock wave. Aircraft landing, road traffic accidents, and the analysis of car outputs on bumping roads also necessarily rely on studying these functions.

A function f(t), defined on a semi-infinite interval [0, ∞), is called piecewise continuous or intermittent if this interval can be broken into a finite number of subintervals

\[ [0, \infty ) = [0, b_1) \cup (a_2 , b_2 ) \cup \cdots \cup (a_m, \infty ) , \]
so that the function f(t) is continuous on each of them and has finite limit values at the endpoints. A piecewise continuous function can be defined as
\begin{equation} \label{EqInput.3} f(t) = \begin{cases} f_1 (t) , & \ 0 < t < b_1 , \\ f_2 (t) , & \ a_2 < t < b_2 , \\ \vdots \\ f_m (t) , & a_m < t < \infty , \end{cases} \end{equation}
where each function fk(t), k = 1, 2, … , m, is continuous on the interval (𝑎k, bk) and has finite limit values at 𝑎k and bk. Since we are going to apply the Laplace transformation to these intermittent functions, we require that the function fm(t) grows no faster than the exponential function at infinity in order to define its Laplace transform:

\begin{equation} \label{EqInput.1} f^L (\lambda ) = \left( {\cal L} \,f \right) (\lambda ) = \int_0^{\infty} f(t)\,e^{-\lambda t} \,{\text d} t . \end{equation}
We usually do not specify the values of the piecewise continuous functions at the points of discontinuity (if any) because they do not effect the value of Laplace's integral \eqref{EqInput.1}. However, the inverse Laplace transformation always defines the value of the function at the point of discontinuity to be the mean value of its left and right limit values. Therefore, all used intermittent functions are assumed to posses this mean value property at the points of discontinuity.

The Laplace transformation exists for many functions of a positive real variable (usually associated with time) including discontinuous functions. Of course, the Laplace transform does not exist for arbitrary functions, but only for those that belong to special classes. Previously, we identified that the Laplace transform exists for functions with finite jumps and that grow no faster than an exponential function at infinity. The algorithm for finding a Laplace transform of an intermittent function consists of two steps:

  1. Rewrite the given piecewise continuous function through shifted Heaviside functions.
  2. Use the shift rule \( {\cal L} \left[ H(t-a)\, f(t-a) \right] = e^{a\lambda}\, {\cal L} \left[ f(t) \right] , \quad a > 0. \)


Differential Equations with Discontinuous Forcing Functions

Our main objective is to solve linear differential equations with intermittent forcing functions
\begin{equation} \label{EqInput.6} L \left[ \,\texttt{D}\,\right] y (t) = f(t) , \qquad L \left[ \,\texttt{D}\,\right] = a_n \texttt{D}^n + a_{n-1} \texttt{D}^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1 \texttt{D} + a_0 \texttt{I} , \quad \texttt{D} = \frac{\text d}{{\text d}t} , \end{equation}