N = chebop(0,100);
N.op = @(t,u) diff(u, 2) - 2.3*(1-u^2)*diff(u) + u;
quiver(N, [-2.75 2.75 -5.5 5.5],'xpts', 40, 'ypts', 40, 'scale', .5, ...
'normalize', true)
hold on
for init = 0.2:0.4:0.2
N.lbc = [init; 1];
u = N\0;
arrowplot(u, diff(u))
title('Phase portrait of the van der Pol oscillator')
IN = 'interpreter'; LT = 'latex';
xlabel('$u$',IN,LT), ylabel('$u''$',IN,LT)
hold off
The first two lines define the van der Pol equation with μ = 2.3.
We call quiver with N as an argument, along with a vector argument that specifies the lower and upper limits on the x and y axes. Furthermore, we give further arguments for customizing the plot.
Once we have called quiver, we overlay the phase plane portraits of solutions obtained by specifying different initial conditions -- notice how the solutions follow the arrows of the quiver plot, then get attracted to the same limit cycle (regardless of whether we start inside or outside of the cycle).
N = chebop(0,20);
N.op = @(t,u) 0.05*diff(u,2) - (1-u^2)*diff(u) + u;
N.lbc = [3; 0];
u = N\0;
plot(u,'LineWidth', 3), ylim([-4 4]), grid on