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Return to Part VI of the course APMA0340
Introduction to Linear Algebra
The wave equation for a function u(x1, …... , xn, t) = u(x, t) of n space variables x1, ... , xn and the time t is given by
\square u = \square_c u \equiv u_{tt} - c^2 \nabla^2 u = 0 , \qquad \nabla^2 = \Delta = \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_1^2} + \cdots + \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_n^2} ,
with a positive constant c (having dimensions of speed). The operator □ defined above is known as the d'Alembertian or the d'Alembert operator. The wave equation subject to the initial conditions is known as the initial value problem:
where f0(x) and f1(x) are given (smooth) functions in n-dimensional space ℝn. For n = 3, the solution of the initial value problem for wave equation is
where integration is taken along the surface of the sphere in the 3-dimensional space ℝ³. Upon introducing spherical coordinates and setting c = 1, the above formula becomes
James Clerk Maxwell
In the theory of electromagnetism, the effects of charged particles in the three dimensional space ℝ³ acting on one another result in an electrical vector field E(x, y, z, t) or E(x1, (x2, (x3, t). If the particles are also in motion, a magnetic vector field B(x, y, z, t) or B(x1, (x2, (x3, t) is also generated. The theory of electromagnetism rests on the principle that these vector fields E and B obey Maxwell's equations (in vacuum):
where c ≈ 2.998 × 108 m/s is the speed of light in vacuum. This system of four partial differential equations---two vector equations and two scalar equations in the unknowns E and B---describes how uninterfered electromagnetic radiation propagates in three dimensional space.
The above equations were first published by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831--1879) in his 1861 paper On Physical Lines of Force and again in a more unified manner in his 1864 paper A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. Maxwell is considered by many to be the most influential scientist on 19th century physics.
where ui is the particle displacement, fi is a body force term, and σi,j is the stress tensor.
Assuming the solid follows a linear elastic constitutive relations
Here we have assumed for simplicity that density ρ, and Lamé parameters (also called the Lamé coefficients, Lamé constants or Lamé moduli) λ, and μ are constants and the equation for a homogeneous medium.
We can rewrite these equations in more convenient form:
is the dilatational or longitudinal speed.
Similarly, we can find an equation for the rotation \( \Omega = \frac{1}{2}\,\nabla \times {\bf u} \) by taking the curl (which is ∇× in modern notation) of the isotropic electrodynamics equation:
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Return to the Part 6 Partial Differential Equations
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