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The variational iteration method (VIM) was developed by
Ji-Huan He in 2000--2007. This method is preferable over numerical methods
as it is free from rounding off errors as it does not involve
discretization and does not require large computer power
or memory. The VIM gives rapidly convergent successive
approximations of the exact solution if such a solution
exists; otherwise, a few approximations can be used for
numerical purposes. Many researches in variety of
scientific fields applied this method and showed the VIM has many merits and to be reliable for a variety of
scientific application.
To illustrate the basic concept of the He’s VIM, consider
the following general nonlinear equation:
where L is the linear differential operator of order m, N is the nonlinear operator, and g is the input (known) function. He has
modified the general Lagrange multiplier method to an
iteration method called as correction functional. The basic
character of the method is to construct a correction
functional for the aforementioned equation, which reads as
u_{n+1} (t) = u_n (t) + \int_0^t \lambda (s) \left\{ L\left[ u_n (s) \right] - N\left[ \tilde{u}_n (s) \right] - g(s) \right\} {\text d}s ,
where λ(s,t) is so called a general Lagrange multiplier, which can be identified optimally via
variational theory. The subscript n
denotes the n-th approximation, and \( \tilde{u}_n \) is a restricted variation., i.e., \( \delta\tilde{u}_n = 0 . \) Having λ obtained, an iteration formula should be used for the determinantion of the successive approximations un+1(t) of the solution u(t). The initial approximation u0(t) can be arbitrary function; however, it is usually selected based on the auxiliary conditions (such as the initial or boundary conditions). Consequently, the solution is given by
u(t) = \lim_{n\to\infty}\,u_n (t) .
The main problem with VIM is the determination of the Lagrange multiplier, and there are known many forms of them. It could be achieved by making the correction functional stationary. Taking variation with respect to the variable un, noticing δun(0)=0, we get
for all variations δun. This yields the following equation
L^{\ast} \left[ \lambda \right] =0 ,
subject to some auxiliary conditions on the diagonal s = t. Here L* is adjoint differential operator for L. In other words, if L is a m-th order linear differential operator, we need to find an extremum form the following functional
\int_0^t \lambda \,L\left[ u_n (s) \right] {\text d}s = \int_0^t \lambda \,f \left( s, u_n (s) , u'_n (s) , \ldots , u_n^{(m)} \right) {\text d}s .
So we consider the general functional
I = \int_0^t F \left( s, y(s) , y' (s) , \ldots , y^{(m)} \right) {\text d}s
that attains an extremum on solutions of the generalized Euler--Lagrange equation (or simply the Euler equation):
True solution and VIM approximations with N = 3 terms.
So we see that the linear function as the initial approximation does not work. Instead, we use its complementary function \( T_0 (x) = A\,\cos x + B\,\sin x . \) Then
T_{1} (x) = A\,\cos x + B\,\sin x + \int_0^x \sin \left( s-x \right) \left\{ T''_0 (s) + T_0 (s) + 2s \right\} {\text d}s = A\,\cos x + \left( B+2 \right) \sin x -2x .
By imposing the boundary conditions, we get A = 4 and \( B= 7\,\csc 2 - 4\,\cot 2 -2 . \) So
Now we consider the homogeneous equation corresponding to the given driven equation \( \ddot{y} + \omega^2 y =0 \) subject to the given initial conditions; its solution, called the complementary function, can be chosen as the initial approximation
y_{0} (t) = C_1 \cos \omega t + C_2 \sin \omega t = \cos \omega t - \frac{\sin \omega t}{\omega} ,
where C1 and C2 are such constants to satisfy the given initial conditions, y(0) = 1 and y'(0) = -1. Then the iteration formula gives
y_1 (t) &=& y_0 (t) - \frac{1}{\omega} \int_0^t \sin \omega (s-t) \left[ A\,\sin \omega s + B\,\sin \omega s \right] {\text d}s
&=& C_1 \cos \omega t + C_2 \sin \omega t - \frac{A}{2} \left[ t\,\cos \omega t - \frac{\sin \omega t}{\omega} \right] + \frac{B\,\omega}{\omega^2 -1} \left[ \cos \omega t - \cos t \right] ,
which is the general solution of the given differential equation (harmonic oscillator).
However, is we apply restricted variations to the correction function, then its exact solution can be arrived at only by successive iterations. Considering the corresponding homogeneous differential equation \( \ddot{y} + \omega^2 y =0 , \) we rewrite the correction functional as follows:
Here \( \tilde{y}_n (s) \) is considered a restricted variation, then the stationary conditions (\( \delta\tilde{y}_n =0 \) ) of the above correction functional can be expressed as follows
\lambda '' (s) &=0 ,
\left. \lambda (s) \right\vert_{s=t} &= 0,
\left. 1 - \lambda ' (s) \right\vert_{s=t} &= 0 .
Therefore, the Lagrange multiplier becomes \( \lambda = s-t . \) This leads to the following iteration formula
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