A function μ is called an integrating factor if and only if multiplication by it reduces the differential equation
\( M(x,y)\,{\text d}x + N(x,y)\,{\text d} y =0 \) to an exact equation. Although Alexis Clairaut was the first to discover integrating factors, the fundamental conception of this technique iis due to Leonhard Euler, who set up classes of equations that admit integrating factors.
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In many cases, a differential equation of first order
M(x,y)\,{\text d}x + N(x,y)\,{\text d}y =0
can be converted into an
exact equation by multiplying through appropriate function. Correspondingly, a function \( \mu = \mu (x,y) \)
is called an
integrating factor if, upon multiplication the above equation by μ, we obtain an
exact equation. In other words, μ is an integrating factor if and only if
This is especially useful in thermodynamics where temperature becomes the integrating factor that makes entropy an exact differential.
Alexis Clairaut
The integrating factor method was introduced by the French mathematician, astronomer, and geophysicist Alexis
Claude Clairaut (1713--1765). He was a prominent Newtonian follower whose work helped to establish the validity of the principles and results that Sir
Iaac Newton had outlined in the Principia of 1687. Clairaut was one of the key
figures in the expedition to Lapland that helped to confirm Newton's theory for the figure of the Earth. In that
context, Clairaut worked out a mathematical result now known as
"Clairaut's theorem". He also tackled the
gravitational three-body problem, being the first to obtain a
satisfactory result for the
apsidal precession (rotation of the orbit of a celestial body) of
the Moon's orbit. Clairaut published some important work during the period 1733 to 1743. He wrote a paper in 1733 on
the calculus of variations, and in the same year he published on the geodesics of quadrics of rotation. The following
year Clairaut studied the differential equations now known as
Clairaut's differential equations, and introduced a
singular solution in addition to the general integral of the equations. In 1739 and 1740, he published further work
on the integral calculus, proving the existence of integrating factors for solving first order differential
equations. In 1742, Clairaut published an important work on dynamics. Clairaut was unmarried, and known for leading
an active social life.
Using simplified notations μx and μy for partial derivatives with respect to x and y, respectively, we rewrite the above partial differential equation as
Actually, the conversion of a differential equation into an exact equation
using an integrating factor is extremely general. Unfortunately, there is no systematic way to solve the above
partial differential equation with respect to μ. There are known particular classes when it is possible, and we consider some of them. It is also sometimes convenient to reduce the partial differential equation for logarithm of μ.
Solution. With \( M(x,y) = 3xy + y^2 , \quad N(x,y) = x^2 + xy , \) we see that
\( M_y = 3x + 2y \ne N_x = 2x +y . \) Therefore, the given equation is not exact. Since
the ratio
is a function of x, there exists an integrating factor \( \mu = \mu (x) = x . \)
Multiplication by μ reduces the given differential equation to an exact one:
Indeed, with new coefficients \( M(x,y) = 3x^2 y + x\,y^2 , \quad N(x,y) = x^3 + x^2 y , \)
we have \( M_y = 3x^2 + 2xy = N_x = 3x^2 + 2xy . \) Therefore, the given equation is exact.
Then there exists a potential function ψ such that
Integrating the former, we get \( \psi (x,y) = x^3 y + \frac{1}{2}\, x^2 y^2 + h(y) \) for some
(unknown) function h(y). Differentiating ψ with respect to y and equating the result to N, we get
In some instances, an integrating factor of a differential
equation can be found by inspection, a process based on ingenuity and
experience. We
present a list of integrating factors that may be helpful in solving
differential equations.
Solution. We consider the group \( y\,{\text d}x - x\,{\text d}y , \) which is
not exact, but becomes so after division by xy (\( x\ne 0 \mbox{ and } y\ne
0 \) ). Then the given equation is reduced to
The last term is now exact and will remain exact when multiplied by
any function of x/y. Therefore, we let z=x/y and choose φ(z)
in such a way that \( \phi (z) \left( 3y^3 \,{\text d}x + xy^2 \,{\text d}y
\right) \) is exact. Using relations \( \partial \phi /\partial x = \phi'
(z) /y \) and \( \partial \phi /\partial y = -\phi' (z) x/ y^2 , \) we
evaluate partial derivatives
Solving this equation for φ, we get the integrating factor
\( \phi (z) =z^2 = x^2 /y^2 . \) Multiplying by it, we obtain the exact
\left( 3x^2 y + \frac{x}{y^2} \right) {\text d}x + \left( x^3 -
\frac{x^2}{y^3} \right) {\text d}y =0 \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad {\text d}
\left( x^3 y + \frac{x^2}{2y^2} \right) =0 .
Hence, the general solution is \( x^3 y + \frac{x^2}{2y^2} =C, \)
where C is an arbitrary constant. ■
A function of
two variables g(x,y) is called homogeneous of degree r if
\( g(\lambda x , \lambda y ) = \lambda^r g(x,y) \) for any nonzero
constant λ and some real number r (possibly zero). If
M(x,y) and N(x,y) are homogeneous functions of the same
degree, then an integrating factor
reduces \( M(x,y)\,{\text d}x + N(x,y) \,{\text d}y =0 \) to an exact equation. In this case
it is also possible to reduce \( M(x,y)\,{\text d}x + N(x,y) \,{\text d}y =0 \) to the equation
with a homogeneous right-hand side function, that is,
\( \frac{M(\lambda x,\lambda y)}{N(\lambda x, \lambda y)}
=\frac{\lambda^r \,M(x,y)}{\lambda^r \,N(x,y)} = \frac{M(x,y)}{N(x,y)} . \)
Since \( M(x,y)=xy \) and \( N(x,y)= x^2 + y^2 \) are homogeneous
functions of the second degree, we choose an integrating factor in the
form \( \mu (x,y) = \frac{1}{x M(x,y) + y N(x,y)} \) to obtain
Multiplication of the given equation by μ(x,y) leads
to an exact differential equation
\( \tilde{M} (x,y) \,{\text d}x + \tilde{N} (x,y)\,{\text d}y =0 \) with
is a differential equation of the form \( M(x,y)\,{\text d}x + N(x,y) \,{\text d}y =0 , \)
with \( M(x,y) = y\,p(xy) , \quad N(x,y) = x\,q(xy) , \)
where p(z) = z, q(z) = z². Therefore, this
equation can be reduced to an exact equation with the integrating
factor \( \mu (x,y) = \frac{1}{xy [ p(xy) - q(xy) ]}; \) namely,
Suppose that for a given differential equation \( M(x,y)\,{\text d}x + N(x,y)\,{\text d}y =0 \)
there exists an integrating factor of the form \( \mu =
\mu (\omega (x,y)) \) for some function ω(x,y) of two variables.
From equation \( \left( \mu\,M \right)_y = \left( \mu\,N \right)_x , \) we obtain
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