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Introduction to Linear Algebra with Mathematica
Louis Cagniard (1900-1971) was a French geophysicist who was noted for
his seminal works in divergent branches of mathematical
geophysics. His classic text Reflection and refraction of progressive
seismic waves (1938) introduced a clever transformation in the
Fourier-Laplace domain (later modified by A. de Hoop) that allows
exact solutions of wave equations for multilayer media to be obtained
analytically through a process of contour integration.
Adrianus Hoop
Adrianus T. “Adrian” de Hoop received his M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering with the distinction cum laude from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, in 1950. In 1956–1957, he enjoyed a one-year research assistantship at the Institute of Geophysics of the University of California–Los Angeles on the invitation of its director, Louis B. Slichter. De Hoop carried out research on elastodynamic wave propagation and scattering in the Seismic Scattering Project, funded by a consortium of U. S. oil companies under the supervision of Leon Knopoff.
Adrianus T. de Hoop is the founder of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Research at Delft University. He pioneered a modification of the Cagniard technique for calculating impulsive wave propagation in layered media, now known as the Cagniard–de Hoop technique, a standard in the industry to analyze time-domain wave propagation.
We demonstrate the Cagniard--de Hoop method on the following
example of the initial value problem for the
two-dimensional wave equation:
The main idea of Cagniard--de-Hoop method is to transform the integral expression for uL in the form of the Laplace transform. Then the integrand will be the original required function u(x,y,t).
To achieve it, we change the variable of integration
where \( \displaystyle \theta = \sqrt{c^{-2} + \alpha^2} . \)
If we set φ to be the Diral delta function δ. we get an auxiliary integral that will allow us to recover the full expression for u(x,y,t):
a -> -((I (2 t + I Sqrt[-4 t^2 - 4 (-(A/c^2) + t^2) (-A - x^2)]))/(
2 (A + x^2)))
We deform the contour of integration, which in our case is a straight line
\( \displaystyle \left( -\frac{1}{\lambda}\,\infty , \frac{1}{\lambda}\,\infty \right) , \) into a such contour for which the expression for t will have positive (real) values. It is defined by equation \( \displaystyle t= \theta\,A + {\bf j} x\,\alpha , \) where t is a parameter. Such transformation to a new contour, called Cagniard's contour, is very simple in our case because no poles or branch points are crossed.
Let us denote by L contour defined by the equation
\( \displaystyle t= \theta\,A + {\bf j} x\,\alpha \) in complex plane ℂ. Upon setting in this equation α = 0, we obtain t = θ A. It is possible only when the radical in the formula for α is a pure imaginary number, so
\( c^2 t^2 < A^2 . \) This condition a;;pws us to define contour L analytically:
Therefore, the Cagniard's contour L is symmetric with respect to imaginary axis. The corresponding formula for α contains sign minus before radical for ℜα<0, and sign plus for ℜα>0. To fix a square root in θ, we make a cut along vertical axis connecting branch points -j/c and j/c through infinity.
Using Jordan lemma, we deform our line of integration into Cagniard's contour. With such new contour, we integrate twice along interval OM in opposite directions (compensate each other). As a result, we get
Please do not ask me how I derived the above formulas---I just did not have time for this job, and I dedicated it to a computer algebra system. However, some genius people, such as Louis Cagniard and Adrianus Hoop did all calculations by hand.
The key point of the method is to modify above integrals into one of the form
Solution of the above second order differential equation that satisfies the regularity condition at infinity is exactly the same as it was done previously:
Then we proceed exactly in the same way as in two dimensional case. The only difference is that the branch point for θ depends on the variable of integration. Using the formula that the derivative of the Heaviside function H(t - a) with respect to (t) is the delta function δ(t - a), we obtain
In spherical coordinates (θ,φ), we get so called the Kirkhhoff formula
Achenbach, J.D., Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids, North
Holland Publishing Company, 1973.
Cagniard, L. (1962) Reflection and refraction of progressive seismic
waves McGraw-Hill. Translation of Reflexion et refraction des ondes
sismiques progressives" translation by Edward A. Flinn and C. Hewitt
Berenger, J.-P., Three-dimensional perfectly matched layer for the
absorption of electromagnetic waves, Journal of Computational
Physics, 1996,
Volume 127, Issue 2, September 1996, Pages 363-379;
Cagniard, L. Basic theory of the magneto-telluric method of
geophysical prospecting, Geophysics, 1953, Vol. 18, Issue 3,
pp. 605--635.
Dobrushkin, V.A., The boundary value problems in the dynamic theory of elasticity for the wedge-shaped domains, 1988, Minsk: Nauka i Technika (in Russian).
Parnell, W.J., Nguyen, V-H., Assier, R., Naili, S., and Abrahams,
I.D., Transient thermal mixed boundary value problems in the
half-space, 1918,
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