Inverse Matrices

Inverse II (Theory)

Inverse of Partitioned Matrices

$Post := If[MatrixQ[#1], MatrixForm[#1], #1] &

In this section you learn a remarkable result that for linear operators on a finite-dimensional vector space, either injectivity or surjectivity alone implies the other condition. Often it is easier to check that an operator on a finite-dimensional vector space is injective, and then we get surjectivity for free.

Inverse Matrices I

Arthur Cayley

  Suppose that A is a square matrix. We want to find a matrix (which we denote naturally by A-1) of the same size, such that A-1 times A equals I, the identity matrix. Whatever A does or transforms to, A-1 undoes or transforms back. Their product is the identity matrix, which does nothing. The problem is that such inverse matrix might not exist. The notion of the inverse of a matrix first appears in an 1855 note of Arthur Cayley (1821--1895). In 1842, Arthur Cayley graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, England, but could not find a suitable teaching post. So for 14 years starting 1863, he worked as a lawyer. During this time frame, he published about 300 mathematical papers, and finally, in 1863, he became a professor at Cambridge.

A square n × n matrix A is invertible or not singular if there exists a matrix A-1 such that
\begin{equation} \label{EqInverse.1} {\bf A}^{-1} {\bf A} = {\bf I} \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad {\bf A}\,{\bf A}^{-1} = {\bf I} , \end{equation}
where I = In is the identity matrix of size n. Apparently, a square matrix for which does not exist an inverse matrix is called singular. The set of n×n invertible matrices over field 𝔽 is called the general linear group of degree n, which is denoted by GL(n, 𝔽) or GLn(𝔽), or simply GL(n) if the field is understood.

Non-square matrices (m-by-n matrices for which mn) do not have an inverse. However, in some cases such a matrix may have a left inverse or right inverse. If m-by-n matrix A is tall (mn) and its rank is equal to n, then A has a left inverse: an n-by-m matrix P such that P A = In. If m-by-n matrix A is wide (nm) and its rank is m, then it has a right inverse: an n-by-m matrix Q such that A Q = Im. There are known many other generalized inverses. In other sections, we will work with the pseudoinverse, which is sometimes called the Moore–Penrose inverse, when we discuss least squares approximations and singular value decomposition. However, there are known others such as group inverse and Drazin inverse.

Raymond Beauregard

Theorem: (Raymond Beauregard) For any n × n matrices A and C over a field of scalars 𝔽,

\[ {\bf A}\,{\bf C} = {\bf I} \quad \mbox{if and only if} \quad {\bf C}\,{\bf A} = {\bf I} . \qquad\qquad ▣ \]
Recall that if A is n × n matrix then its reduced row-echelon form H is a matrix of the same size with zeros in the pivot columns except for the pivots which are equal to 1. It is achieved by applying elementary row operations (row swapping, row addition, row scaling) to A. An elementary matrix is one obtained by applying a single elementary row operation to the n × n identity matrix I. Elementary matrices have inverses that are also elementary matrices. Left multiplication of A by an elementary matrix E effects the same row operation on A that was used to create E. If P is a product of those elementary matrices that reduce A to P, then P is invertible and PA = H.

Let H be the reduced row echelon form of A, and let P be the product of those elementary matrices (in the appropriate order) that reduce A to H. P is an invertible matrix such that P A = H. Notice that H is the identity matrix if and only if it has n pivots.

Beginning with A C = I, we left multiply this equation by P obtaining \( {\bf P}\,{\bf A}\,{\bf C} = {\bf P} \) or \( {\bf H}\,{\bf C} = {\bf P} . \) If H is not the identity matrix it must have a bottom row of zeros forcing P to have likewise a bottom row of zeros, and this contradicts the invertibility of P. Thus H = I, C = P, and the equation \( {\bf P}\,{\bf A} = {\bf H} \) is actually \( {\bf C}\,{\bf A} = {\bf I} . \)

This argument shows at once that (i) a matrix is invertible if and only if its reduced row echelon form is the identity matrix, and (ii) the set of invertible matrices is precisely the set of products of elementary matrices.

From Beauregard's theorem, it follows that the inverse matrix is unique. Although, we can show directly that a matrix A cannot have two different inverses. Suppose the opposite is true and there exist two matrices B and C such that BA = I and AC = I. According to the identities
\[ {\bf B} \left( {\bf A}\, {\bf C} \right) = \left( {\bf B}\,{\bf A} \right) {\bf C} \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad {\bf B}\,{\bf I} = {\bf I}\, {\bf C} \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad {\bf B} = {\bf C} . \]

Corollary 1: If B is left inverse of A and C is right inverse of A, then B = C.

Suppose that A C = B A = I, the identity matrix. Then \[ {\bf C} = {\bf I}\,{\bf C} = \left( {\bf B}\,{\bf A} \right) {\bf C} = {\bf B} \left( {\bf A}\,{\bf C} \right) = {\bf B}\,{\bf I} = {\bf B} . \]
Note that not every square matrix has an inverse matrix. For example, matrix \( \displaystyle \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2 \\ 1&2 \end{bmatrix} \) has no inverse because it does not satisfy conditions of Theorem 10.

Theorem 5: Let A and B be two matrices of the same dimension. If A B is invertible, then each of A and B is invertible.

The shortest proof follows from the formula for determinants: \[ \det \left({\bf A}\,{\bf B} \right) = \det\left( {\bf A} \right) \det\left( {\bf B} \right) . \]

To prove the theorem 5, we consider matrices as operators that generate linear transformations. So every m × n matrix A corresponds a linear transformation TA : 𝔽n ⇾ 𝔽m. Therefore, we reformulate this theorem in terms of transformations:

Let T : 𝔽n ⇾ 𝔽n and S : 𝔽n ⇾ 𝔽n be linear transformation so that their composition TS : 𝔽n ⇾ 𝔽n is also a linear transformation. If TS is an isomorphism, then both S and T are isomorphisms.

Since T S = TS is an isomorphism, it is both 1-1 (injective) and onto (surjective). Then S is 1-1, for if there were some nonzero vector u ∈ 𝔽n with S(u) = 0, then we would have T S(u) = T(0) = 0 and T would not be injective. Also, T is onto, for if there were some vector w with wT(v) for any v in 𝔽n, then certainly wT S(u) for any u ∈ 𝔽n.


Another proof:

Since the product of two matrices A B is invertible, then there exists a right inverse \[ {\bf A}\,{\bf B}\,{\bf R} = {\bf I} \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad {\bf A} \left( {\bf B}\,{\bf R} \right) = {\bf I} . \] So the product B R is a right inverse of A. From Beauregard's theorem, we conclude that A is invertible.

Since A is invertible, multiplying by A−1, we get B = A−1P for some invertible matrix P. This shows that B is a product of two invertible matrices; hence, it is also inverticle.

Example 4: Let \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 2& -1& 3 \\ 1& -3& 2 \\ 3& -2& 4 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} 5& 3& -4 \\ 5& 2& -4 \\ 3& 5& -2 \end{bmatrix} . \] Their product \[ {\bf A}\,{\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} 14& 19& -10 \\ -4& 7& 4 \\ 17& 25& -12 \end{bmatrix} \] is not singular because its row reduce echelon form is the identity matrix.
Clear[A, B, t, x, P];
A = {{2, -1, 3}, {1, -3, 2}, {3, -2, 4}};
B = {{5, 3, -4}, {5, 2, -4}, {3, 5, -2}};
AB = A . B
{{14, 19, -10}, {-4, 7, 4}, {17, 25, -12}}
\( \displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} 1& 0& 0 \\ 0& 1& 0 \\ 0& 0& 1 \end{pmatrix} \)
We represent this product as an array of rows: \[ {\bf A}\,{\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} \left( 2, -1, 3 \right) {\bf B} \\ \left( 1, -3, 2 \right) {\bf B} \\ \left( 3, -2, 4 \right) {\bf B} \end{bmatrix} , \] where each row is linearly independent \[ \begin{split} \left( 2, -1, 3 \right) {\bf B} &= \left( 14, 19, -10 \right) , \\ \left( 1, -3, 2 \right) {\bf B} &= \left( -4, 7, 4 \right) , \\ \left( 3, -2, 4 \right) {\bf B} &= \left( 17, 25, -12 \right) . \end{split} \]
A[[#]] . B & /@ {1, 2, 3}
\( \displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} 14& 19& -10 \\ -4& 7& 4 \\ 17& 25& -12\end{pmatrix} \)
Each of matrices is also nonsingular because their determinants are not zero: \[ \det{\bf A} = 3 \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad \det{\bf B} = -2 . \]
Det[A], Det[B]
{3, -2}
Also, their row reduce echelon forms are identity matrices for each of the matrices:
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}
Another check:
RowReduce[A] == RowReduce[B] == IdentityMatrix[3]
We can also find their inverses
{{-(8/3), -(2/3), 7/3}, {2/3, -(1/3), -(1/3)}, {7/3, 1/3, -(5/3)}}
{{-8, 7, 2}, {1, -1, 0}, {-(19/2), 8, 5/2}}
\[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{3} \begin{bmatrix} 8&-2&\phantom{-}7 \\ 2&-1&\phantom{-}1 \\ 7&\phantom{-}1&-5 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf B}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} -8&\phantom{-}7 & 2 \\ \phantom{-}1&-1&0 \\ -\frac{19}{2} & \phantom{-}8 & \frac{5}{2} \end{bmatrix} \] The inverse of the product of these two matrices is \[ \left( {\bf A}\,{\bf B} \right)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{-}\frac{92}{3} & \phantom{-}\frac{11}{3} & -\frac{73}{3} \\ -\frac{10}{3} & -\frac{1}{3} & \phantom{-}\frac{8}{3} \\ \phantom{-}\frac{73}{2} & \phantom{-}\frac{9}{2} & -29 \end{bmatrix} = {\bf B}^{-1} {\bf A}^{-1} . \]
{{92/3, 11/3, -(73/3)}, {-(10/3), -(1/3), 8/3}, {73/2, 9/2, -29}}
We also check the formula for the product of inverse matrices with Mathematica:
Inverse[A . B] == Inverse[B] . Inverse[A]
On the other hand, we have \[ {\bf B}\,{\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1&-6&5 \\ 0&-3&3 \\ 5&-14&11 \end{bmatrix} \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad \left( {\bf B}\,{\bf A} \right)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{3}{2}& \frac{2}{3} & \frac{1}{2} \\ -\frac{5}{2} & \frac{7}{3} & \frac{1}{2} \\ -\frac{5}{2} & \frac{8}{3} & \frac{1}{2} \end{bmatrix} . \]
BA = B.A
{{1, -6, 5}, {0, -3, 3}, {5, -14, 11}}
{{-(3/2), 2/3, 1/2}, {-(5/2), 7/3, 1/2}, {-(5/2), 8/3, 1/2}}
End of Example 4

Theorem 6: If A and B are two nonsingular matrices of the same dimension, then

\[ \left( {\bf A}\, {\bf B} \right)^{-1} = {\bf B}^{-1}{\bf A}^{-1} . \qquad\qquad ▣ \]
We multiply A B by B-1 A-1 to obtain
\[ \left( {\bf A}\, {\bf B} \right) \left( {\bf B}^{-1} {\bf A}^{-1} \right) = {\bf A}\,{\bf I} \,{\bf A}^{-1} = {\bf A}\,{\bf A}^{-1} = {\bf I} . \]
Similarly, B-1 A-1 times AB equals I.
Example 5: We consider two metrices \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 3&2&-1&2 \\ 1&4&-3&2 \\ 1&3&-2&2 \\ 2&-3&1&-5 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} 2& 5& 3& -4 \\ 3& 4& 2& -4 \\ 1& 3& 4& -2 \\ 4& -5& 6& 2 \end{bmatrix} . \] Their products are \[ {\bf A}\,{\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} 19& 10& 21& -14 \\ 19& 2& 11& -10 \\ 17& 1& 13& -8 \\ -24& 26& -26& -8 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf B}\,{\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 6& 45& -27& 40 \\ 7& 40& -23& 38 \\ 6& 32& -20& 26 \\ 17& 0& 1& 0 \end{bmatrix} . \]
A = {{3, 2, -1, 2}, {1, 4, -3, 2}, {1, 3, -2, 2}, {2, -3, 1, -5}};
B = {{2, 5, 3, -4}, {3, 4, 2, -4}, {1, 3, 4, -2}, {4, -5, 6, 2}};
AB = A.B
{{19, 10, 21, -14}, {19, 2, 11, -10}, {17, 1, 13, -8}, {-24, 26, -26, -8}}
BA = B.A
{{6, 45, -27, 40}, {7, 40, -23, 38}, {6, 32, -20, 26}, {17, 0, 1, 0}}
Then we try to find their inverses: \[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{2} & \frac{1}{2} & -1 & 0 \\ -\frac{9}{2} & - \frac{25}{2} & 22&2 \\ -\frac{9}{2} & -\frac{27}{2} & 23&2 \\ 2&5&-9&-1 \end{bmatrix} \]
{{1/2, 1/2, -1, 0}, {-(9/2), -(25/2), 22, 2}, {-(9/2), -(27/2), 23, 2}, {2, 5, -9, -1}}
But when tried to determine the inverse of B, Mathematica disagrees with us:
Inverse: Matrix B is singular
Similar outcomes we obtain for their products,
Inverse: Matrix AB is singular
Inverse: Matrix BA is singular
This example shows that a product of two matrices is a singular matrix when one of the multiples is not invertible.
End of Example 5
This theorem confirms the common sense: If one put on socks and then sneakers, the first to be taken off are sneakers.
Given A ∈ 𝔽m×n, the transpose of A = [ai,j], denoted AT ∈ 𝔽n×m or just A', is a matrix defined by \( \left[ a_{i,j} \right]^{\mathrm T} = \left[ a_{j,i} \right] . \)

Theorem 7: Let A be a rectangular m × n matrix with real entries. Then the product ATA is an invertible n × n matrix if and only if A has linearly independent columns (full column rank). This statement is valid for complex-valued matrices, but instead of ATA it should be considered A*A, the product of the adjoint matrix (conjugate transpose) with itself.

The product is a square matrix (n-by-n). For every matrix A, we are going to show that ATA has the same kernel as A. When the columns of A are linearly independent, its nullspace contains only the zero vector. Then ATA with this same nullspace, is invertible.

Let A be any matrix. If vector x is in its kernel, then Ax = 0. Multiplying by AT gives \( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T}{\bf A} \,{\bf x} = {\bf 0} . \) So x is also in the nullspace of ATA.

Now start with the kernel of \( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T}{\bf A} . \) From \( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T}{\bf A} \,{\bf x} = {\bf 0} , \) we must prove that Ax = 0. We multiply from left by \( {\bf x}^{\mathrm T}: \)

\[ \left( {\bf x}^{\mathrm T} \right) {\bf A}^{\mathrm T} {\bf A} \,{\bf x} = {\bf 0} \qquad\mbox{or} \qquad \left( {\bf A} \,{\bf x} \right)^{\mathrm T} \left( {\bf A} \,{\bf x} \right) = {\bf 0} \qquad\mbox{or} \qquad \left\| {\bf A} \,{\bf x} \right\|^2 = 0 . \]
The vector \( {\bf A} \,{\bf x} \) has length zero. Therefore, \( {\bf A} \,{\bf x} = {\bf 0} . \) Every vector x in one nullspace is in the other nullspace. If A is of full column rank, so does ATA. If A has independent columns, so does \( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T}{\bf A} . \)
Example 6: We consider a complex 3 × 3 matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 3& {\bf j}& -1 \\ 1 + {\bf j}& 4& -3 + 3 {\bf j} \\ 1& 3& -2 + {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \] This is the time to mention that a conflict exists over the proper notation for the imaginary unit number. Some (mostly physicists, engineers, and computer scientists) contend the symbol ⅉ, which should be \[ImaginaryJ] in Wolfram language; others (mostly mathematicians and economists) believe it should be ⅈ, with code \[ImaginaryI] or just I. This unresolved conflict creates confusion. As the Wolfram language was written mostly by mathematicians (despite Stephen Wolfram having been a Physics major), Mathematica resolves the conflict by outputting the \[ImaginaryJ] as I, note below. Also, some texts use a wrong notation for this symbol as \( \displaystyle \sqrt{-1} \) because a square root is not a function and a square root assigns two outputs for each input. So the correct notation should be as follows: \( \displaystyle \sqrt{-1} = \pm ⅉ . \)

Using Mathematica, it is easy to check that matrix A is not singular; just check its determinant to be nonzero:

Clear[A, B, t, x, P];
A = {{3, \[ImaginaryJ], -1}, {1 + \[ImaginaryJ], 4, -3 + 3*\[ImaginaryJ]}, {1, 3, -2 + \[ImaginaryJ]}};
\( \displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} 3& ⅈ & -1 \\ 1 + ⅈ & 4& -3 + 3 ⅈ \\ 1& 3& -2 + ⅈ \end{pmatrix} \)
Det[A] // FullSimplify
-18 ⅈ
Since matrix A is not singular, it is invertible: \[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 5/18 + {\bf j}/18& -(1/9) - {\bf j}/9& 1/6 + {\bf j}/18 \\ -(2/9)& -(1/6) - (5 {\bf j})/18& 5/9 + (4 {\bf j})/9 \\ -(1/6) - {\bf j}/18& -(1/18) - {\bf j}/2& 1/18 + (13 {\bf j})/18 \end{bmatrix} . \]
A = {{3, I, -1}, {1 + I, 4, -3 + 3*I}, {1, 3, -2 + I}};
Inverse[A]// FullSimplify
{{5/18 + I/18, -(1/9) - I/9, 1/6 + I/18}, {-(2/9), -(1/6) - (5 I)/18, 5/9 + (4 I)/9}, {-(1/6) - I/18, -(1/18) - I/2, 1/18 + (13 I)/18}}
In mathematics and engineering, it is common to denote by i, j, and k unit vectors in a three dimensional space. Since on complex plane ℂ, the imaginary unit is in positive vertical direction and coinsides with j, it is natural to denote it as ⅉ; however, since vectors in this tutorial are denoted with lower case letters in bold font, we alsways utilize j for the imaginary unit.

Portions of this website are created in HTML code that is agnostic about notation formalities in mathematics. Below, the j is used for the imaginary unit number. This back-and-forth, frustrating as it is and may seem, is common in the field. The reader is encouraged to transform the field or become flexible in his thinking on this matter. The latter will take less time.

Its adjoint (which is complex conjugate and transposed) is \[ {\bf A}^{\ast} = \left( \overline{\bf A} \right)^{\mathrm T} = \begin{bmatrix} 3&1-{\bf j}&1 \\ -{\bf j}& 4&3 \\ -1&-3-3{\bf j} & -2-{\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \] We use notation \( \displaystyle \overline{\bf A} \) for complex conjugate, as it is common in mathematics. However, in physics, compelx conjugate operation is denoted by asterisk (which we reserve for adjoint). As you see, my intention to please everyone leads to confusion---I am not responsible for it!

aA = ConjugateTranspose[A]
{{3, 1 - I, 1}, {-I, 4, 3}, {-1, -3 - 3 I, -2 - I}}
ConjugateTranspose[A] == A\[ConjugateTranspose]
Now we find the products of A with its adjoint matrix: \[ {\bf A}\,{\bf A}^{\ast} = \begin{bmatrix} 11& 6+4{\bf j} & 5+4{\bf j} \\ 6- 4{\bf j} & 36 & 22 - 2{\bf j} \\ 5 - 4{\bf j} & 22 + 2{\bf j} & 15 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf A}^{\ast} {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 12& 7 -{\bf j} & -5+7{\bf j} \\ 7 + {\bf j} & 26 & -18+16 {\bf j} \\ -5 -7{\bf j} & -18 -16{\bf j} & 24 \end{bmatrix} \]
AaA = A.aA
{{11, 6 + 4 I, 5 + 4 I}, {6 - 4 I, 36, 22 - 2 I}, {5 - 4 I, 22 + 2 I, 15}}
aAA = aA.A
{{12, 7 - I, -5 + 7 I}, {7 + I, 26, -18 + 16 I}, {-5 - 7 I, -18 - 16 I, 24}}
The notation problem re-appears in the superscripts denoting the adjoint matrix. In Mathematica A* is the Conjugate and A\[ConjugateTranspose] is the ConjugateTranspose. Above the HTML uses the asterisk (*) for the adjoint matrix. Below Mathematica uses the dagger (\[ConjugateTranspose]). Deal with it.
TrueQ[SuperStar[A] = A\[Conjugate]]
Note that Mathematica tells us that statement is not true. Make a very close inspection of the character to the right of A and you will see they are not the same. The left hand side is A with a superscript asterisk; the right hand side is A with a special character entered (esc)co(esc) of (esc)conj(esc) which is shorthand for the conjugate. The Wolfram documentation clarifies.

Using Mathematica, we find their inverses. \[ \left( {\bf A} \,{\bf A}^{\ast} \right)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 13/81& 1/27 + (19 {\bf j})/162& -(10/81) - (17 {\bf j})/81 \\ 1/27 - (19 {\bf j})/162& 31/81& -(49/81) + (13 {\bf j})/162 \\ -(10/81) + (17 {\bf j})/81& -(49/81) - ( 13 {\bf j})/162& 86/81 \end{bmatrix} \]

{{13/81, 1/27 + (19 I)/162, -(10/81) - (17 I)/81}, {1/27 - (19 I)/162, 31/81, -(49/81) + (13 I)/162}, {-(10/81) + (17 I)/81, -(49/81) - ( 13 I)/162, 86/81}}
\[ \left( {\bf A}^{\ast} {\bf A} \right)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 11/81& 17/162 - (11 {\bf j})/162& 5/81 - (13 {\bf j})/81 \\ 17/162 + (11 {\bf j})/162& 107/162& 29/54 - (37 {\bf j})/81 \\ 5/81 + (13 {\bf j})/81& 29/54 + (37 {\bf j})/81& 131/162 \end{bmatrix} \]
{{11/81, 17/162 - (11 I)/162, 5/81 - (13 I)/81}, {17/162 + (11 I)/162, 107/162, 29/54 - (37 I)/81}, {5/81 + (13 I)/81, 29/54 + (37 I)/81, 131/162}}
End of Example 6

A diagonal matrix has an inverse provided no diagonal entries are zero:

\[ {\bf \Lambda} = \begin{bmatrix} \lambda_1 &0&0& \cdots &0 \\ 0&\lambda_2 &0 & \cdots &0 \\ \vdots&\vdots&&\ddots & \vdots \\ 0&0&0& \cdots &\lambda_n \end{bmatrix} \qquad\Longrightarrow \qquad {\bf \Lambda}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 1/\lambda_1 &0&0& \cdots &0 \\ 0&1/\lambda_2 &0 & \cdots &0 \\ \vdots&\vdots&&\ddots & \vdots \\ 0&0&0& \cdots &1/\lambda_n \end{bmatrix} . \]
Example 7: Let us consider the diagonal matrix \[ \Lambda = \begin{bmatrix} 2&0&0&0 \\ 0&-3&0&0 \\ 0&0&4&0 \\ 0&0&0&-9 \end{bmatrix} . \] Although this matrix is equivalent to a vector u = [2, −3, 4, −9], the advantage of the matrix representation is that we can define its inverse, which is not permitted for vectors. So we have \[ \Lambda^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{2}&0&0&0 \\ 0&-\frac{1}{3}&0&0 \\ 0&0&\frac{1}{4}&0 \\ 0&0&0&-\frac{1}{9} \end{bmatrix} . \]
End of Example 7


Theorem 8: Equivalent Statements regarding a square n × n matrix A. The following statements are equivalent. That is, for a given matrix A, the statements are either all true or all false.

  1. A is invertible.
  2. The linear transformation TA : 𝔽n ⇾ 𝔽n generated by matrix A is an isomorphism.
  3. There exists a left inverse matrix L such that L A = In, the identity matrix.
  4. There exists a right inverse matrixR such that A R = In, the identity matrix.
  5. A is row equivalent to the identity matrix In, so rref(A) = In.
  6. The equation A x = 0 has only the trivial (= zero) solution.
  7. A is expressible as a product of elementary matrices.
  8. The equation A x = b has a unique solution for each n-component column vector b (which is an n × 1 matrix).
  9. For any b ∈ 𝔽n×1, the equation A x = b has a solution.
  10. The span (= set of all linear combinations) of the column vectors of A is 𝔽n×1.
  11. detA ≠ 0.
  12. The spectrum (= set of all eigenvalues) of matrix A does not contain zero.
  13. \( \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{\ast} = \left( {\bf A}^{\ast} \right)^{-1} \qquad \Longrightarrow \qquad \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{\mathrm T} = \left( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T} \right)^{-1} . \) This means that A is invertible if and only if its adjoint (or conjugate transpose) matrix is invertible.
This theorem does not include all possible conditions of invertibility of matrices. For example, condition (b) on transformation TA to be isomorphism is too general. Indeed, it is sufficient to assume this transformation to be either surjective or injective aimilar to conditions (c) and (d) of a square matrix to have either left inverse or right inverse.
(a) ⇒ (b)    Suppose that (a) is true. Then mapping TA is invertible, i.e., TA has an inverse transformation. Then \begin{align*} T_A T_A^{-1} &= T_A^{-1} T = I, \\ \left( T_A \right) \left( T_A \right)^{-1} &= \left( T_A \right)^{-1}T_A = I, \\ T_{A} T_{A^{-1}} &= T_{A^{-1}} T_{A} = I . \end{align*} So (b) is true.

(b) ⇒ (a)    Since the chain equations in the previous part is reversible, so if (b) is true, then (a) is also true.

(a) ⇔ (h)    Now recall that TA is the linear transformation. We know that TA is invertible, i.e., TA is an isomorphism, if and only if TA is 1-1 and onto, i.e., if TA(x) = b has a unique solution for every b. Hence, so (h) is equivalent to (a).

(a) ⇔ (i)    Now the condition that TA is onto is the condition that TA(x) = b has a solution for every b, i.e., that A x = b has a solution for every b. This is just condition (i).

(a) ⇔ (d)    The existence of a right inverse to A is equivalent that the corresponding transformation TA is onto.

(a) ⇔ (c)    The existence of a left inverse to A is equivalent that the corresponding transformation TA is injective, which indeed is isomorphism.

(a) ⇔ (i)    If A is invertible then x = A−1b is a solution of the linear system A x = b, since \[ {\bf A} \left( {\bf A}^{-1} {\bf b} \right) = \left( {\bf A}\,{\bf A}^{-1} \right) {\bf b} = {\bf I}\,{\bf b} = {\bf b} . \]

(i) ⇔ (h)    To see that this solution is unique, suppose that there were two solutions x, y ∈ 𝔽n×1. Then A x = b and A y = b, so subtracting gives us A(xy) = 0. It then follows that \begin{align*} {\bf x} - {\bf y} &= \left( {\bf A}^{-1} {\bf A} \right) \left( {\bf x} - {\bf y} \right) = {\bf A}^{-1} \left( {\bf A} \left( {\bf x} - {\bf y} \right) \right) = {\bf A}^{-1} \left( {\bf A} \,{\bf x} - {\bf A} \,{\bf y} \right) \\ &= {\bf A}^{-1} \left( {\bf b} - {\bf b} \right) = {\bf A}^{-1} {\bf 0} = {\bf 0} . \end{align*} So x = y and solution to A x = b is unique.

(h) ⇔ (f)    It follows simply by choosing b = 0.

(h) ⇔ (e)    If we represent the linear system A x = 0 in augmented matrix form [A | 0] and then apply Gauss–Jordan elimination, we get the augmented matrix [R | 0], where R is the reduced row echelon form of A. Since R is square, if RI, then it must have a row of zeros at the bottom, so this linear system must have at least one free variable and thus cannot have a unique solution. We thus conclude that if the linear system A x = 0 does have a unique solution (i.e., (f) holds) then R = I (i.e., (e) holds).

(e) ⇔ (g)    If the RREF of A is I, then there exists a sequence of row operations that transforms A into I. Equivalently, there exists a finite sequence of elementary matrices E₁, E₂, … , Es such that EsEEA = I. By multiplying on the left by \( \displaystyle {\bf E}_s^{-1} {\bf E}_{s-1}^{-1} \cdots {\bf E}_1^{-1} , \) we see that \[ {\bf A} = {\bf E}_1^{-1} {\bf E}_2^{-1} \cdots {\bf E}_s^{-1} . \] Since the inverse of an elementary matrix is again an elementary matrix, A can be written as a product of elementary matrices, so (f) follows.

(g) ⇔ (a)    It follows from the facts that elementary matrices are invertible, and the product of invertible matrices is invertible.

(h) ⇔ (i)    It is trivial.

(i) ⇔ (e)    If we choose b ∈ 𝔽n×1 so that applying Gauss–Jordan elimination to the augmented matrix [A | b] produces [R | en], where R is the reduced row echelon form of A. If R had a zero row at the bottom, then this linear system would not have a solution. However, since we are assuming (i) holds, this cannot be the case. It follows that R must have no zero rows, so it equals I, which completes the proof.

(a) ⇔ (k)    Let R be the reduced row echelon form of A, which we abbreviate as rref(A). As a preliminary step, we will show that det(A) and det(R) are both zero or both nonzero. Let E₁, E₂, … , Es be the elementary matrices that correspond to the elementary row operations that produce R from A. Thus, \[ {\bf R} = {\bf E}_s {\bf E}_{s-1} \cdots {\bf E}_1 {\bf A} . \] Since a determinant of a product of matrices is equal to the product of determinants, we get \[ \det\left( {\bf R} \right) = \det\left( {\bf E}_s \right) \cdot \det\left( {\bf E}_{s-1} \right) \cdots \det\left( {\bf E}_1 \right) \cdot \det\left( {\bf A} \right) . \] We note that every elementary matrix has a nonzero determinant. Therefore, det(A) and det(R) are either both zero or both nonzero. If we assume that A is invertible, then it follows from (g) that R = I and hence that det(R) = det(I) = 1 ≠ 0. Thus, in turn, it implies that det(A) ≠ 0, which is what we want.

Conversely, assume that det(A) ≠ 0. It follows that det(R) ≠ 0. which tells us that R cannot have a row of zeroes. Thus, it follows that R = I, so A is invertible.

(c) ⇔ (k)    Given L A = In, take determinants and use the product formula to get det(L) det(A) = det(In) = 1𝔽. Since 1𝔽 ≠ 0𝔽 in a field 𝔽, this forces det(A) ≠ 0𝔽.

Example 8: We break this example into multiple parts.
Example 8a: (a)    \( \displaystyle \begin{bmatrix} 1&2 \\ 3&4 \end{bmatrix}^{-1} = \frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} -4&\phantom{-}2 \\ \phantom{-}3&-1 \end{bmatrix} . \)
Inverse[{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}]
{{-2, 1}, {3/2, -(1/2)}}

Example 8b: (b)    Any isomorphism is characterized by existence of the inverse transformation, which in our case is known explicitly: \( \displaystyle T_A^{-1} = T_{A^{-1}} .eg\)
Example 8cd: (c) + (d)    Since a nonsigular matrix has an inverse, this inverse matrix is simulteneously left and right inverse.

Example 8eg: (e) + (g)    We consider the matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 3& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} . \] The corresponding augmented matrix for inverse matrix determinantion is
aug = ArrayFlatten[{{A, IdentityMatrix[3]}}]
\[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 &1&0&0 \\ 3& 1& -2 &0&1&0 \\ 3& 2& -3 &0&0&1 \end{bmatrix} . \] We apply row reduction and write a corresponding elementary matrix. As first two steps, we eliminate both "3" in the first column by adding (−3)*first row. We abbreviate it as R2 ← (−3)·R1 + R2 and R3 → (−3)·R1 + R3 \[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] \,\underset{R}{\sim}\, \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& \phantom{-}2& -2 &\phantom{-}1&0&0 \\ 0& -5& \phantom{-}4 &-3&1&0 \\ 0& -4& \phantom{-}3 &-3&0&1 \end{array} \right] , \qquad {\bf E}_1 = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{-}1&0&0 \\ -3&1&0 \\ -3&0&1 \end{bmatrix} . \]
A = {{1, 2, -2}, {3, 1, -2}, {3, 2, -3}};
aug = {{1, 2, -2, 1, 0, 0}, {3, 1, -2, 0, 1, 0}, {3, 2, -3, 0, 0, 1}};
E1 = {{1, 0, 0}, {-3, 1, 0}, {-3, 0, 1}};
aug1 = E1.aug
{{1, 2, -2, 1, 0, 0}, {0, -5, 4, -3, 1, 0}, {0, -4, 3, -3, 0, 1}}
Next, we perform another row operation: R3 ← (−4/5)·R2 + R3. \[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] \,\underset{R}{\sim}\, \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& \phantom{-}2& -2 &\phantom{-}1&0&0 \\ 0& -5& \phantom{-}4 &-3&1&0 \\ 0& \phantom{-}0& -\frac{1}{5} &-\frac{3}{5}&-\frac{4}{5}&1 \end{array} \right] , \qquad {\bf E}_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0&0 \\ 0&1&0 \\ 0&-4/5&1 \end{bmatrix} . \]
E2 = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, -4/5, 1}};
aug2 = E2 . aug1
{{1, 2, -2, 1, 0, 0}, {0, -5, 4, -3, 1, 0}, {0, 0, -(1/5), -(3/5), -(4/5), 1}}
We multiply the last row by (−5): R3 ← (−5)·R3
E3 = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, -5}};
aug3 = E3 . aug2
{{1, 2, -2, 1, 0, 0}, {0, -5, 4, -3, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 3, 4, -5}}
\[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] \,\underset{R}{\sim}\, \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& \phantom{-}2& -2 &\phantom{-}1&0&0 \\ 0& -5& \phantom{-}4 &-3&1&0 \\ 0& \phantom{-}0& 1 &\phantom{-}3&4&-5 \end{array} \right] , \qquad {\bf E}_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0&0 \\ 0&1&0 \\ 0&0&-5 \end{bmatrix} . \] Then we eliminate entries above the third pivot: R2 ← (−4)·R3 + R2 and R1 ← (2)·R3 + R1.
E4 = {{1, 0, 2}, {0, 1, -4}, {0, 0, 1}};
aug4 = E4.aug3
{{1, 2, 0, 7, 8, -10}, {0, -5, 0, -15, -15, 20}, {0, 0, 1, 3, 4, -5}}
\[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] \,\underset{R}{\sim}\, \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& \phantom{-}2& 0 &7&8&-10 \\ 0& -5& 0 &-15&-15&20 \\ 0& \phantom{-}0& 1 &3&4&-5 \end{array} \right] , \qquad {\bf E}_4 = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0&2 \\ 0&1&-4 \\ 0&0&1 \end{bmatrix} . \] Division of second row by (−5) yields R2 ← (−1/5)·R2
E5 = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, -1/5, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
aug5 = E5 . aug4
{{1, 2, 0, 7, 8, -10}, {0, 1, 0, 3, 3, -4}, {0, 0, 1, 3, 4, -5}}
\[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] \,\underset{R}{\sim}\, \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& 2& 0 &7&8&-10 \\ 0& 1& 0 &3&3&-4 \\ 0& 0& 1 &3&4&-5 \end{array} \right] , \qquad {\bf E}_5 = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0&0 \\ 0&-1/5&0 \\ 0&0&1 \end{bmatrix} . \] Finally, we eliminate the entry in the first row above pivot of the second row: R1 ← (−2)·R2 + R1.
E6 = {{1, -2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
aug6 = E6 . aug5
{{1, 0, 0, 1, 2, -2}, {0, 1, 0, 3, 3, -4}, {0, 0, 1, 3, 4, -5}}
\[ \left[{\bf A}\mid{\bf I}\right] \,\underset{R}{\sim}\, \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} 1& 0& 0 &1&2&-2 \\ 0& 1& 0 &3&3&-4 \\ 0& 0& 1 &3&4&-5 \end{array} \right] , \qquad {\bf E}_6 = \begin{bmatrix} 1&-2&0 \\ 0&1&0 \\ 0&0&1 \end{bmatrix} . \] Now we claim that \[ {\bf A} = \left( {\bf E}_6 {\bf E}_5 {\bf E}_4 {\bf E}_3 {\bf E}_2 {\bf E}_1 \right)^{-1} = {\bf E}_1^{-1} {\bf E}_2^{-1} {\bf E}_3^{-1} {\bf E}_4^{-1} {\bf E}_5^{-1}{\bf E}_6^{-1} . \] Upon executing these multiplications, we obtain representation of matrix A as a product of elementary matries.
Inverse[E6 . E5 . E4 . E3 . E2 . E1]
Inverse[#] & /@ {E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6};
%[[1]] . %[[2]] . %[[3]] . %[[4]] . %[[5]] . %[[6]]
% == %%%
\( \displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 3& 2& -3 \end{pmatrix} \)
Example 8hi: (h) + (i)    We consider matrix/vector equation A x = b, where \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 3& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} , \] and b is an arbitrary vector from ℝ3×1. Since matrix A is invertible, the given system of equations has an explicit solution \[ {\bf x} = {\bf A}^{-1} {\bf b} , \qquad {\bf A}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 3& -4 \\ 3& 4& -5 \end{bmatrix} . \]
A = {{1, 2, -2}, {3, 1, -2}, {3, 2, -3}};
{{1, 2, -2}, {3, 3, -4}, {3, 4, -5}}
Moreover, Mathematica is so smart that you can solve a matrix/vector equation A x = b with one line command and you can define vector b as a list:
b = {b1, b2, b3};
LinearSolve[A, b]
{{b1 + 2 b2 - 2 b3}, {3 b1 + 3 b2 - 4 b3}, {3 b1 + 4 b2 - 5 b3}}
Hence, the general solution is expressed via an explicit formula \[ {\bf x} = \begin{bmatrix} b_1 + 2\, b_2 -2\, b_3 \\ 3\, b_1 + 3\, b_2 - 4\, b_3 \\ 3\, b_1 + 4\, b_2 - 5\, b_3 \end{bmatrix} . \]
Example 8j: (j)   The matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -4 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 1& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad \det\left( {\bf A} \right) = -5 . \] is invertible; Mathematica confirms
A = {{1, 2, -4}, {3, 1, -2}, {1, 2, -3}};
{{-1, 2, 0}, {-7, -1, 10}, {-5, 0, 5}}
\[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{5} \begin{bmatrix} -1& 2& 0 \\ -7& -1& 10 \\ -5& 0& 5 \end{bmatrix} . \] Column vectors of matrix A are linearly independent because the following system of equations has only trivial (zero) solution: \[ x_1 \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 3 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} + x_2 \begin{bmatrix} 2 \\ 1 \\ 2 \end{bmatrix} + x_3 \begin{bmatrix} -4 \\ -2 \\ -3 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} . \] Again, we ask Mathematica for help that confirms: x₁ = 0, x₂ = 0, x₃ = 0.
Solve[{x1 + 3*x2 + x3 == 0, 2*x1 + x2 + 2*x3 == 0, 4*x1 + 2*x2 + 3*x3 == 0}, {x1, x2, x3}]
{{x1 -> 0, x2 -> 0, x3 -> 0}}
Example 8k: (k)    See next example.

Example 8l: (l)    We consider a nonsingular matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 2&3&-4 \\ 3&1&-2 \\ 1&2&-3 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad \det\left( {\bf A} \right) = 3. \]
A = {{2, 3, -4}, {3, 1, -2}, {1, 2, -3}};
Since its determinant is not zero, matrix A is invertible. We ask Mathematica to find its eigenvalues:
{3, 1/2 (-3 - Sqrt[5]), 1/2 (-3 + Sqrt[5])}
So none of them is zero \[ \lambda_1 = 3, \qquad \lambda_{2,3} = -\frac{1}{2} \left( 3 \pm \sqrt{5} \right) \approx -2.61803, \ -0.381966 . \] On the other hand, matrix \[ {\bf S} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -3 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 1& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad \det\left( {\bf S} \right) = 0 \] is singular because its determinant vanishes.
S = {{1, 2, -3}, {3, 1, -2}, {1, 2, -3}};
The eigenvalues of matrix S are
{1/2 (-1 - Sqrt[17]), 1/2 (-1 + Sqrt[17]), 0}
\[ \lambda_1 = - \frac{1}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{17}}{2} \approx -2.56155 , \quad \lambda_2 = - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{17}}{2} \approx 1.56155 , \quad \lambda_3 = 0 . \]
Example 8m: (m)    We consider the following complex valued matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& {\bf j}& 3 \\ 1 + {\bf j}& 2\,{\bf j}& -{\bf j} \\ 2 + {\bf j}& 2 - {\bf j}& 3 - {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} , \] where j is the imaginary unit on the complex plain ℂ, with j² = −1. Its determinant and inverse can be found with the aid of Mathematica:
A = {{1, \[ImaginaryJ], 3}, {1 + \[ImaginaryJ], 2*\[ImaginaryJ], -\[ImaginaryJ]}, {2 + \[ImaginaryJ], 2 - \[ImaginaryJ], 3 - \[ImaginaryJ]}};
22 - 4 I
Again, despite being entered as imaginary j (\[ImaginaryJ] or ⅉ), Mathematica converts it to imaginary unit i (I or ⅈ) in the output. The reader is encouraged to research the tension between mathematicians and physicists and economists over the matter of the proper notation for the imaginary unit number.
Clear[A, B, t, x, P, S];
{{17 + 94 I, 67 - 56 I, 23 - 64 I}, {-25 - 50 I, -25 - 50 I, 25 + 50 I}, {61 - 23 I, -39 + 27 I, 9 + 13 I}}
Note that one half of the absolute value squared of the Determinant of A is a constant = 250 because 22² + 4² = 500. \[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{\det({\bf A})} \begin{bmatrix} 17 + 94 {\bf j}& 67 - 56 {\bf j}& 23 - 64 {\bf j} \\ -25 - 50 {\bf j}& -25 - 50 {\bf j}& 25 + 50 {\bf j} \\ 61 - 23 {\bf j}& -39 + 27 {\bf j}& 9 + 13 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} , \qquad \det({\bf A}) = 22 - 4{\bf j} . \] The adjoint of the inverse matrix in provided by Mathematica again
{{17 - 94 I, -25 + 50 I, 61 + 23 I}, {67 + 56 I, -25 + 50 I, -39 - 27 I}, {23 + 64 I, 25 - 50 I, 9 - 13 I}}
Note that all coefficients of the Inverse of A are either 250 or one half of 250. \[ \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{\ast} = \frac{1}{250} \begin{bmatrix} 17 - 94 {\bf j}& -25 + 50 {\bf j}& 61 + 23 {\bf j}& \\ 67 + 56 {\bf j}& -25 + 50 {\bf j}& -39 - 27 {\bf j} \\ 23 + 64 {\bf j}& 25 - 50 {\bf j}& 9 - 13 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \] Now we consider the adjoint matrix (which is complex conjugate of transposed matrix)
At = ConjugateTranspose[A]
{{1, 1 - I, 2 - I}, {-I, -2 I, 2 + I}, {3, I, 3 + I}}
\[ {\bf A}^{\ast} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 1 - {\bf j}& 2 - {\bf j} \\ -{\bf j}& -2 {\bf j}& 2 + {\bf j} \\ 3, {\bf j}& 3 + {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} , \qquad \det \left({\bf A}^{\ast} \right) = 22 + 4\,{\bf j} . \] Its inverse is
{{17 - 94 I, -25 + 50 I, 61 + 23 I}, {67 + 56 I, -25 + 50 I, -39 - 27 I}, {23 + 64 I, 25 - 50 I, 9 - 13 I}}
Thus, multiplying the Inverse of A by 250 considerably simplifies the inverse of A \[ \left( {\bf A}^{\ast} \right)^{-1} =\frac{1}{250} \begin{bmatrix} 17 - 94 {\bf j}& -25 + 50 {\bf j}& 61 + 23 {\bf j}& \\ 67 + 56 {\bf j}& -25 + 50 {\bf j}& -39 - 27 {\bf j} \\ 23 + 64 {\bf j}& 25 - 50 {\bf j}& 9 - 13 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \]
End of Example 8

Theorem 9: Some properties of inverse matrices:

  1. \( \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{-1} = {\bf A} . \)
  2. \( \det {\bf A}^{-1} = 1/ \det{\bf A}. \)
  3. \( \left( k\,{\bf A} \right)^{-1} = (1/k)\,{\bf A}^{-1} \) for nonzero constant k.
  4. \( \left( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T} \right)^{-1} = \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{\mathrm T} , \) where "T" stands for transposition.
  5. (A*)−1 = (A−1)*, where asterisk stands for adjoint (or conjugate transpose) matrix.
  6. \( \left( {\bf A}\, {\bf B} \right)^{-1} = {\bf B}^{-1} {\bf A}^{-1} . \)    ▣

(b)    Since A−1A = I, it follows that det(A−1A) = det(I) = 1. Therefore, we must have det(A−1A) = det(A−1) det(A) = 1. Since det(A) ≠ 0, the proof can be completed by dividing through by det(A).

(c)    To see why part (c) holds, we just compute the product of kA and its proposed inverse in both ways: \[ \left( k\,{\bf A} \right) \left( \frac{1}{k}\,{\bf A}^{-1} \right) = \frac{k}{k}\,{\bf A}\,{\bf A}^{-1} = {\bf I} , \] and \[ \left( \frac{1}{k}\,{\bf A}^{-1} \right) \left( k\,{\bf A} \right) = \frac{k}{k}\,{\bf A}^{-1}{\bf A} = {\bf I} . \]



(f)    Since we are given a formula for the proposed inverse, we just need to verify it by multiplying it by A B and see that we do indeed get the identity matrix: \[ \left( {\bf A}\,{\bf B} \right) \left( {\bf B}^{-1} {\bf A}^{-1}\right) = {\bf A} \left( {\bf B}\,{\bf B}^{-1} \right) {\bf A}^{-1} = {\bf A}\,{\bf I}\, {\bf A}^{-1} = {\bf I} \] and \[ \left( {\bf B}^{-1} {\bf A}^{-1} \right) \left( {\bf A}\,{\bf B} \right) = {\bf B}^{-1} \left( {\bf A}^{-1} {\bf A} \right) {\bf B} = {\bf B}^{-1}{\bf I}\, {\bf B} = {\bf I} . \] Since both products result in the identity matrix, we conclude that A B is indeed invertible, and its inverse is B−1A−1, as claimed.

Example 9:
Example 9a: (a)    The inverse of the 3-by-3 matrix is \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 3& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf A}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 3& -4 \\ 3& 4& -5 \end{bmatrix} . \]
A = {{1, 2, -2}, {3, 1, -2}, {3, 2, -3}};
Ai = Inverse[A]
{{1, 2, -2}, {3, 3, -4}, {3, 4, -5}}
Then the double inverse is \[ \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{-1} = {\bf A} . \]
Inverse[Inverse[A]] == A
Example 9b: (b)    We consider a 3 × 3 matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 3& 1& 1 \\ 9& 2& 2 \\ 7& 2& 3 \end{bmatrix} . \] Its determinant is
A = {{3, 1, 1}, {9, 2, 2}, {7, 2, 3}};
Using Mathematica, we find its inverse:
Ai = Inverse[{{3, 1, 1}, {9, 2, 2}, {7, 2, 3}}]
{{-(2/3), 1/3, 0}, {13/3, -(2/3), -1}, {-(4/3), -(1/3), 1}}
\[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{3} \begin{bmatrix} -2 & 1 & 0 \\ 13 & -2 & -3 \\ -4 & 1 & 3 \end{bmatrix} . \] We check with Mathematica that this matrix is inverse of A
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}
Suppose we want to use a floating point representation of the inverse matrix, than \[ {\mbox fl}{\bf A}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} -0.666667& 0.333333& 0. \\ 4.33333& -0.666667& -1. \\ -1.33333& -0.333333& 1. \end{bmatrix} . \]
fAi = N[Ai]
{{-0.666667, 0.333333, 0.}, {4.33333, -0.666667, -1.}, {-1.33333, -0.333333, 1.}}
We make another assumption that you work at a bank; so you round entries in the inverse matrix by two decimal places after the period: \[ {\bf B}_2 = \begin{bmatrix} -0.67 &0.33 & 0. \\ 4.33& -0.67 & -1. \\ -1.33 & -0.33 & 1. \end{bmatrix} . \] Then we check that this matrix written in floating point form is an approximation to the inverse of matrix A:
B2 = {{-0.67, 0.33, 0.}, {4.33, -0.67, -1.}, {-1.33, -0.33, 1.}};
{{0.99, -0.01, 0.}, {-0.03, 0.97, 0.}, {-0.02, -0.02, 1.}}
\[ {\bf A}\,{\bf B}_2 = \begin{bmatrix} 0.99& -0.01& 0. \\ -0.03& 0.97& 0. \\ -0.02& -0.02& 1.\end{bmatrix} . \]
Example 9c: (c)    Multiplying by c = 5 the matrix A, we get \[ {\bf A}_c = c\,{\bf A} = c \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 3& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 5& 10& -10 \\ 15& 15& -20 \\ 15& 20& -25 \end{bmatrix} . \]
A = {{1, 2, -2}, {3, 1, -2}, {3, 2, -3}};
A5 = 5*A
{{5, 10, -10}, {15, 5, -10}, {15, 10, -15}}
Then its inverse is
Inverse[A5] == Inverse[A]/5
\[ \left( {\bf A}_c \right)^{-1} = \left( c\,{\bf A} \right)^{-1} = \frac{1}{5} \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 3& -4 \\ 3& 4& -5\end{bmatrix} = \frac{1}{5}\,{\bf A}^{-1} . \]
Example 9d: (d)    We use the same matrix \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& 2& -2 \\ 3& 1& -2 \\ 3& 2& -3 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf A}^{\mathrm T} = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{-}1& \phantom{-}3& \phantom{-}3 \\ \phantom{-}2&\phantom{-} 1& \phantom{-}2 \\ -2& -2& -3 \end{bmatrix} . \] Then their inverses are
A = {{1, 2, -2}, {3, 1, -2}, {3, 2, -3}};
{{1, 3, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {-2, -4, -5}}
Transpose[Inverse[A]] == Inverse[Transpose[A]]
\[ \left( {\bf A}^{\mathrm T} \right)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{-}1& \phantom{-}3& \phantom{-}3 \\ \phantom{-}2& \phantom{-}3& \phantom{-}4 \\ -2& -4& -5 \end{bmatrix} . \]
Example 9e: (e)    We consider a 3 × 3 matrix with complex entries \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 - {\bf j}& 2{\bf j}& -{\bf j} + 1 \\ 2{\bf j}& 1+ 2{\bf j}& {\bf j} \\ 0& 2 - {\bf j}& 3{\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \] Its determinant is not zero as Mathematica shows
A = {{1 - I, 2*I, -I + 1}, {2*I, 1 + 2*I, 1*I}, {0, 2 - I, 3*I}};
22 I
The complex conjugate and transposed (also known as adjoint) of A is obtained with a standard Mathematica command \[ {\bf A}^{\ast} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 + {\bf j}& -2 {\bf j}& 0 \\ -2 {\bf j}& 1 - 2 {\bf j}& 2 + {\bf j} \\ 1 + {\bf j}& -{\bf j}& -3 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \]
At = ConjugateTranspose[A]
{{1 + I, -2 I, 0}, {-2 I, 1 - 2 I, 2 + I}, {1 + I, -I, -3 I}}
With Mathematica, we define the adjugate matrix:
adj[m_] := Map[Reverse, Minors[Transpose[m], Length[m] - 1], {0, 1}] * Table[(-1)^(i + j), {i, Length[m]}, {j, Length[m]}]
or just
adjugate[m_] := Inverse[m] Det[m]
We calculate the adjugate matrix to A: \[ \mbox{ Adj}{\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} -7 + {\bf j}& 7 - 3 {\bf j}& -5 - {\bf j} \\ 6& 3 + 3 {\bf j}& 1 + {\bf j} \\ 2 + 4 {\bf j}& -1 + 3 {\bf j}& 7 + {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \]
{{-7 + I, 7 - 3 I, -5 - I}, {6, 3 + 3 I, 1 + I}, {2 + 4 I, -1 + 3 I, 7 + I}}
{{-7 + I, 7 - 3 I, -5 - I}, {6, 3 + 3 I, 1 + I}, {2 + 4 I, -1 + 3 I, 7 + I}}
Then matrix inverse becomes \[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{\det({\bf A})} \mbox{ Adj}{\bf A} = \frac{1}{22} \begin{bmatrix} 1 + 7 {\bf j}& -3 - 7 {\bf j}& -1 + 5 {\bf j} \\ -6 {\bf j}& 3 - 3 {\bf j}& 1 - {\bf j} \\ 4 - 2 {\bf j}& 3 + {\bf j}& 1 - 7 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \]
{{1 + 7 I, -3 - 7 I, -1 + 5 I}, {-6 I, 3 - 3 I, 1 - I}, {4 - 2 I, 3 + I, 1 - 7 I}}
The adjoint of the inverse matrix A−1 is
{{1 - 7 I, 6 I, 4 + 2 I}, {-3 + 7 I, 3 + 3 I, 3 - I}, {-1 - 5 I, 1 + I, 1 + 7 I}}
\[ \left( {\bf A}^{-1} \right)^{\ast} = \frac{1}{22} \begin{bmatrix} 1 - 7 {\bf j}& 6 {\bf j}& 4 + 2 {\bf j} \\ -3 + 7 {\bf j}& 3 + 3 {\bf j}& 3 - {\bf j} \\ -1 - 5 {\bf j}& 1 + {\bf j}& 1 + 7 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \]

Then we calculate the the inverse of adjoint of A:

{{1 - 7 I, 6 I, 4 + 2 I}, {-3 + 7 I, 3 + 3 I, 3 - I}, {-1 - 5 I, 1 + I, 1 + 7 I}}
\[ \left( {\bf A}^{\ast} \right)^{-1} = \frac{1}{22} \begin{bmatrix} 1 - 7 {\bf j}& 6 {\bf j}& 4 + 2 {\bf j} \\ -3 + 7 {\bf j}& 3 + 3 {\bf j}& 3 - {\bf j} \\ -1 - 5 {\bf j}& 1 + {\bf j}& 1 + 7 {\bf j} \end{bmatrix} . \]
Example 9f: (f)   We consider two 4 × 4 matrices \[ {\bf A} = \begin{bmatrix} 3& 1& 4& 1 \\ 7& 3& 11& 2 \\ 12& 5& 19& 4 \\ 1& 4& 5& 2 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} 1&1&1&1 \\ 4& 2& 3& 1 \\ 10& 3& 6& 1 \\ 20& 4& 10& 1 \end{bmatrix} . \] Since their determinants are not zero, these matrices are invertible.
A = {{3, 1, 4, 1}, {7, 3, 11, 2}, {12, 5, 19, 4}, {1, 4, 5, 2}};
B = {{1, 1, 1, 1}, {4, 2, 3, 1}, {10, 3, 6, 1}, {20, 4, 10, 1}};
Their product is
AB = A . B
{{67, 21, 40, 9}, {169, 54, 102, 23}, {302, 95, 181, 40}, {107, 32, 63, 12}}
\[ {\bf A}\,{\bf B} = \begin{bmatrix} 67& 21& 40& 9 \\ 169& 54& 102& 23 \\ 302& 95& 181& 40 \\ 107& 32& 63& 12 \end{bmatrix} . \] Correspondingly, its inverse is
{{73, 29, -37, 13}, {257, 145, -158, 56}, {-241, -113, 133, -46}, {-71, -52, 53, -23}}
\[ \left( {\bf A}\,{\bf B} \right)^{-1} = \frac{1}{9} \begin{bmatrix} 73& 29& -37& 13 \\ 257& 145& -158& 56 \\ -241& -113& 133& -46 \\ -71& -52& 53& -23 \end{bmatrix} . \]

Next, we calculate inverses of matrices A and B.

Ai = Inverse[A]*9
{{18, 9, -9, 0}, {12, 15, -12, 3}, {-16, -5, 7, -1}, {7, -22, 11, 1}}
Bi = Inverse[B]
{{-1, 3, -3, 1}, {-6, 14, -11, 3}, {4, -11, 10, -3}, {4, -6, 4, -1}}
\[ {\bf A}^{-1} = \frac{1}{9} \begin{bmatrix} 18& 9& -9& 0 \\ 12& 15& -12& 3 \\ -16& -5& 7& -1 \\ 7& -22& 11&1 \end{bmatrix} , \qquad {\bf B}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} -1& 3& -3& 1 \\ -6& 14& -11& 3 \\ 4& -11& 10& -3 \\ 4& -6& 4& -1 \end{bmatrix} . \] Their product is
Bi . Ai
{{73, 29, -37, 13}, {257, 145, -158, 56}, {-241, -113, 133, -46}, {-71, -52, 53, -23}}
End of Example 9

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